
The child started having diarrhea around 10 AM, followed by vomiting shortly after. Another bout of diarrhea occurred before 12 PM, with the stool being yellow and watery, containing particles. The child then vomited again, this time with a yellow substance. The child has no fever but is not feeling well. They were normal yesterday, and it is suspected that they caught a cold after their bath last night. I would like to know how to help the child recover and what dietary precautions should be taken.


Based on your description, the child may be suffering from diarrhea and vomiting due to dyspepsia. It is suggested to use external umbilical plaster, give the child Baby An granules, probiotics, and bentonite powder, and pay attention to a light diet with small meals more frequently to reduce the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. Also, provide the child with warm water to drink. I hope my answer can help you.