
My baby is almost 6 months old and has been waking up every two or three hours during her afternoon nap for the past 20 days, fidgeting and making noises while half-asleep. During the day, she sleeps soundly and is in good condition, eating well. Before, she could sleep for four or five hours at night and had a regular bedtime of 10 PM and wake-up time of 9 AM. Lately, she’s been going to bed at midnight and waking up late. I’m not sure if it’s teething or because she’s at a rapid growth phase now. Do I need to see a doctor?


This could be related to the following factors: first, the blanket might be too thick and too warm, causing discomfort for the child, so it may be necessary to reduce the weight of the blanket. Second, the child may show signs of calcium deficiency, so it may be appropriate to supplement calcium and vitamin D for the child, such as taking calcium gluconate oral solution and cod liver oil to supplement in a timely manner, which can gradually eliminate the aforementioned discomfort.