
The 38-day-old baby has started coughing and always chokes while breastfeeding. Sometimes, the baby coughs up milk, and occasionally, the coughing causes the face to turn red. After taking medications such as roxithromycin, ambroxol hydrochloride, and Jia’er Qingjie Liquid, the symptoms decreased, with occasional coughs. Two days later, the baby went to see a doctor for a re-examination, including X-rays and blood tests. The X-ray showed lung inflammation, and the blood test indicated an elevated white blood cell count.


Coughing while breastfeeding in a 38-day-old baby can be caused by various factors, including but not limited to bacterial, viral, mycoplasma, and fungal infections. The main symptoms include coughing, sputum production, wheezing, and difficulty breathing, as well as systemic symptoms such as fever, fatigue, poor mental state, and decreased appetite. Diagnosis can be confirmed through chest X-rays or lung CT scans. Treatment should involve sufficient doses of antibacterial medications, and in severe cases, a combination of two antibiotics may be necessary. The treatment period should be long enough to ensure that the pathogens are completely cleared.