
My baby is 5 months old and has been having diarrhea for several days. I’ve already given her medication for two days and applied Dinggui’er, but the situation doesn’t seem to be improving. How should I treat it?


Common causes of diarrhea in infants may be infections. First, it is recommended to conduct a stool test to determine if the baby has enteritis or dysentery. If it is bacterial enteritis, cephalosporin antibiotics may be needed for treatment. If dysentery is diagnosed, treatment should be transferred to a infectious disease hospital. Additionally, giving probiotics may help adjust the intestinal flora. If the baby is severely vomiting, use attapulgite powder to stop diarrhea. Also, be aware of symptoms such as decreased urine output, lack of energy, and poor skin elasticity, which may indicate dehydration. If any of these symptoms are present, you should immediately go to the hospital for intravenous fluid therapy. In terms of diet, choose light, soft, and easily digestible foods and avoid giving fatty or irritating foods.