
My baby is over half a year old and has been breastfed all along. The baby has always had loose stools, but there are no other discomforts, and the appetite is good. The doctor said it’s normal to eat only breast milk. However, now that we’ve started adding solid foods like porridge, egg yolks, and rice puree, sometimes with some greens, the baby still has loose stools, resembling egg whites. Is this normal?


Continuing to have diarrhea after adding solid foods may indicate that the baby is experiencing indigestion. Since a baby’s gastrointestinal tract is still developing, it’s more susceptible to indigestion. It’s suggested to give the baby probiotics to aid in absorption. You can stop offering solid foods for a while and introduce them one at a time, not multiple types at once. Add another type of solid food once the baby’s intestines have recovered.