
My child is now over three weeks old. A few days ago, when I wasn’t at home, my partner took him for a vaccine while he was still sick with a cold. Now, the fever hasn’t gone down for several days. He has a runny nose, coughs, and his hands are severely peeling (which happens every time he has a fever over 39 degrees). All tests have come back normal. I hope he can get better quickly.


Based on your description, it’s possible that your child has a respiratory infection. If the child’s temperature is below 38.5 degrees Celsius, you can give them ibuprofen suspension or sweet syrup. If the temperature rises above 39 degrees Celsius, it’s advisable to take your child to the hospital for an injection to bring down the fever. These are my suggestions for the situation where “a few days ago when I wasn’t at home my partner took him for a vaccine while he was still sick with a cold.” I hope this helps and wish you and your child good health!