
Frequent sneezing, runny nose, and snoring during sleep may indicate that a child has adenoid hypertrophy. When is the best age to perform surgery for a child?


Surgery is an option for treating adenoid hypertrophy. However, before deciding on surgery, conservative treatment methods should be considered first. If conservative treatment is ineffective, surgery can be considered as an alternative. When choosing surgery, the best timing should be determined based on the child’s specific condition and age. Typically, if adenoid hypertrophy significantly affects a child’s quality of life and conservative treatment fails to alleviate symptoms, surgery is often performed between the ages of four to six years. However, each child’s situation is unique, and the optimal surgery time should be determined by the doctor based on the child’s condition. Parents should take their child to a specialist for a detailed examination and evaluation to receive the most appropriate treatment advice. Additionally, parents can help prevent feverishness (a Chinese term often associated with overheating or internal heat) and encourage appropriate exercise to promote the child’s health. Wishing for the child’s early recovery!