
Dear parents, my daughter is only 4 years old and has a significant weight gain compared to her peers. She has an increased appetite but is very picky about her food. She prefers to play rather than eat, and often doesn’t like to have meals. How can we effectively treat pediatric obesity and picky eating issues?


For children who show obvious symptoms of pediatric obesity, parents can encourage them to participate in more physical activities and avoid picky eating. It is recommended to have the child engage in sports that can help improve obesity symptoms, such as jogging and swimming. During this period, encourage the child to eat more foods like cucumbers, tomatoes, and kiwis, and avoid giving high-calorie foods like peanuts and hamburgers. Additionally, do not let the child go to sleep immediately after eating or lie on the sofa to eat snacks. If the child’s obesity symptoms are severe, it is important to take them to a regular hospital for targeted treatment to avoid blind treatment.