
Single-sided otitis media with effusion for two months, how should it be treated?


Considering it as secretory otitis media, the treatment methods include clearing the middle ear effusion, improving ventilation and drainage, such as tympanic membrane puncture aspiration, incision, and tube insertion, as well as maintaining the patency of the nasal cavity and eustachian tube by performing eustachian tube blowing. At the same time, it is necessary to actively treat nasal or nasopharyngeal diseases, such as adenoidectomy, nasal septum correction surgery, inferior turbinate surgery, and nasal polyp removal surgery. For patients with enlarged tonsils and a history of recurrent secretory otitis media, tonsillectomy can be considered. Antibiotics or other synthetic antimicrobial agents can be used during the acute phase, and short-term oral corticosteroids may also be helpful.