
My daughter is 7 years old and I’ve recently noticed she’s been getting heavier. She has a large appetite and doesn’t like to exercise. How should I effectively treat her childhood obesity, especially since she loves meat?


For children with obvious symptoms of childhood obesity, parents should encourage them to engage in more physical activities, avoid picky eating, and have them participate in age-appropriate sports such as swimming and jogging. Encourage them to eat fruits rich in vitamin C, such as apples and kiwis. Absolutely do not let them come into contact with high-calorie foods like cakes, potato chips, and cola. Additionally, if the child tends to lie down immediately after eating, parents should assist in correcting this bad habit. During the treatment period, parents need to keep a close eye on the child’s condition. If the situation is severe, treatment should be conducted under the guidance of a doctor, and never resort to blind treatment.