
My child was born a few days ago, and recently, for some reason, they keep scratching their ears. Could hoarseness be the cause?


The treatment principle for this condition involves promoting diuresis and resolving phlegm, activating blood circulation and dissipating clots. Oral Chinese medicine such as Qingyin Wan or Houzheng Wan can be taken, or one can drink water with maxinga seeds and maitake mushrooms. Avoid prolonged shouting or crying, and consume more foods rich in vitamin C, fresh vegetables and fruits. Avoid spicy and irritating foods. Wishing the baby a swift recovery. Tonsillitis in children can cause significant harm to patients, so it is recommended that patients seek timely consultation with a specialist and receive treatment under the guidance of a doctor. In daily life, it is appropriate to engage in moderate exercise, pay attention to preventing heat syndrome, and hope the child can recover quickly!