
My child has several small red blisters on the back of their hand or foot, but I don’t know what caused it. Recently, my child has been disobedient and crying constantly, and a check-up at the hospital didn’t reveal any problems. What is this situation?


Your condition may be caused by a viral infection, for which there is currently no specific medication. The main treatment is supportive care and symptom relief. Antiviral drugs such as idoxuridine, adenosine deaminase, and ribavirin may help treat herpes virus infections. Additionally, interferon, a broad-spectrum antiviral drug that inhibits both DNA and RNA viruses, may be effective. Thiazolidine may also inhibit certain viruses, such as the hemorrhagic fever virus. In preventing influenza, amantadine can be used. Traditional Chinese medicine may also help alleviate symptoms of certain viral diseases and shorten the course of the illness. It is recommended that you take your child to the hospital for professional diagnosis and treatment.