
The 2-year-old girl often has stomachaches, cries continuously, and does not have diarrhea. The pain usually subsides after about 10 minutes. Now, the stomach pain occurs almost every one or two days. When not in pain, she is very lively, and her stools are not dry. Sometimes, when she has a bowel movement, she says she can’t go anymore.


Hello, the phenomenon of a child’s stomach pain is usually a sign of appendicitis or worms in the belly. Pay attention to keeping the abdomen warm in daily life. Avoid eating cold and raw foods. It is recommended to take your child to the hospital for an abdominal ultrasound examination. After diagnosis, receive timely treatment with penicillin to fight inflammation, take some stomach-soothing and digestion-promoting tablets, and also have a stool test. There are many reasons that can cause pediatric digestive diseases. If the child is diagnosed with pediatric digestive disease, parents need to cooperate with the doctor for immediate treatment, follow gastrointestinal decompression instructions, and develop good hygiene habits. The child needs a balanced diet and avoid stimulating and cold foods.