
Does a 7-week-old baby without hair on the top of the head, crying before bedtime, having difficulty falling asleep, and frequently hiccuping need to supplement with calcium and zinc?


Your situation may be due to a calcium deficiency, and it is recommended to supplement with calcium. There are two ways to do this: through calcium supplements or by consuming it through food. The most common and effective calcium-rich foods are milk and dairy products, which are not only rich in calcium but also easy to absorb. In addition, milk and dairy products contain abundant minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin D, which helps with the absorption and utilization of calcium. Yogurt is also an excellent source of calcium; it not only supplements calcium but also contains probiotics that help regulate intestinal function, suitable for all types of people. If you do not like milk or are intolerant to it, you can eat more alternative foods such as oysters, seaweed, cabbage, broccoli, etc.