
How should epilepsy that has lasted over two years be solved?


It may be epilepsy, and brain electroencephalogram (EEG), brain CT scans, etc. should be performed. Oral medications such as phenobarbital, diazepam, and sodium valproate should be used for treatment. If the effect is not good, microsurgery should be performed in the hospital. Generally, it is not appropriate to switch, interrupt, or stop Western medications at will. Only after the seizures are completely controlled for 2-3 years and the brain EEG is normal can the medication be gradually reduced and stopped. We know that pediatric epilepsy can cause significant harm to children. If not treated in a timely manner or with an incorrect treatment method, it can progress quickly and cause significant harm to the patient. Therefore, it is crucial to seek professional treatment at a hospital in a timely manner; this is key.