
Lately, my boss has said I’m not looking well, affecting my work performance, and I really don’t want that. I can’t sleep at night, and sometimes I feel anxious and uncomfortable. If it gets serious, I’m worried it might affect my health and work. How should one deal with cough and asthma caused by a cold?


Upon consideration, this might be due to bronchitis caused by a cold. It is suggested to give your child Amazake granules and Qing Zhu Ji Oral Liquid to try. If the blood count is high, it may be necessary to cooperate with antibiotic treatment, such as Azithromycin Dispersible Tablets, which have been effective. At the same time, ensure your child drinks plenty of water, maintains good indoor ventilation, and the situation should gradually improve. Wishing your child a healthy growth. If your child has been diagnosed with respiratory system issues, parents should cooperate with the doctor in active treatment and pay attention to reducing gastrointestinal stress, maintaining good hygiene habits. Your child should have a balanced diet and avoid eating irritating and cold foods.