
My son is 8 years old, and recently, I’ve noticed that he weighs significantly more than other children his age. He also eats more than most kids and is particularly lazy. How should we treat and manage child obesity?


When a child exhibits obesity, parents should establish a set of exercise plans and a healthy diet for them. Initially, they can engage in aerobic exercises such as jogging, hill climbing, swimming, and consume more fruits rich in vitamin C, like apples and kiwis. It’s important to prohibit the child from eating high-calorie, high-fat foods such as cakes, dried fruits, and cookies. Also, avoid letting the child fall asleep immediately after eating or lounging on the sofa while snacking. If the situation is severe during the treatment of pediatric obesity, it is recommended that parents first take their child to the hospital to check the cause of the obesity before proceeding with targeted treatment.