
My son is 8 years old, and I’ve recently noticed that he’s been gaining weight. He can eat several bowls of rice at a meal and doesn’t like to exercise much. How should we treat child obesity and overweight?


When a child is diagnosed with obesity, parents can increase their child’s physical activity and control their diet to change the symptoms. For example, swimming and hill climbing can be very effective for obesity symptoms, and it’s recommended to consume high-fiber vegetables such as winter melon and tomatoes. It’s important to prohibit the child from eating fried foods and dried fruits, which are high in calories and fat. At the same time, parents should also help their child correct some bad habits, such as not exercising after meals or being picky about food. During the treatment of pediatric obesity, if parents find that the child’s condition is severe, they should seek medical attention promptly to determine the cause and receive targeted treatment.