
At a check-up in 2011, the curvature was 45 degrees, but it increased to 96 degrees in 2012. What might be the reasons for the sudden worsening of pediatric scoliosis?


For children with a sudden worsening of scoliosis, doctors may recommend regional massage, heat therapy, injection treatment for closure, and acupuncture as treatment options. In terms of diet, it is suggested to consume foods with properties that promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, as well as open up the orifices, such as Sanqi, hawthorn, huoxiang, xi bai, and qian cai. Additionally, it is important to pay attention to a balanced diet. For patients with pediatric orthopedic diseases, daily care is also crucial. Rest should be ensured, and nutritional intake should be strengthened to reduce or avoid the occurrence of diseases.