
My son is 2 years old. I’ve noticed that he’s been getting fatter, and lately, he’s eating more and doesn’t like to exercise. How should we treat his obesity effectively when he loves meat?


When a child is obese, parents need to control their child’s diet and increase their physical activity. They can encourage their child to participate in aerobic exercises such as swimming or jogging, while also encouraging them to eat low-calorie, high-nutrient foods like cucumbers, tomatoes, and kiwis. High-calorie foods like cakes and chestnuts should be strictly prohibited. Additionally, it’s important not to let the child eat snacks in bed or lie down after eating, as these bad habits can lead to fat accumulation. If the above methods do not alleviate the child’s obesity symptoms during treatment, it is important to seek medical attention promptly to determine the cause and prevent the condition from worsening.