
Dear Baby, she’s just 6 years old, and in the past few weeks, I’ve noticed that my child is getting fatter and fatter, and she seems to eat without any restraint. She usually doesn’t like to play when she eats. How should we treat obesity in children?


When a child becomes overweight, parents should create a set of exercise programs and a healthy diet plan. Initially, you can increase the intensity of the child’s exercise, such as jogging, by gradually increasing the distance from half a lap to a full lap. Encourage the consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C, such as apples and kiwis. Children should avoid high-calorie foods like cakes and macadamia nuts. Strictly control the child’s diet to prevent overeating. More physical activity is beneficial for changing a child’s obesity. Parents should be advised to take their child to the hospital for a thorough examination if their condition worsens during treatment.