
My baby is 11 months old, and he has been having a runny nose recently, accompanied by mild coughing and wheezing, but he has no fever. He is also in good spirits and eating well. He had previously suffered from bronchitis and received intravenous treatment. I’m wondering if I should be concerned about these symptoms? I have already given him Bai Rui Granules and applied a Tilorone Patch to relieve the wheezing.


Based on your description, I believe your baby’s cough and wheezing may be due to an incomplete recovery from the previous bronchitis. In cold weather, babies’ immunity is weaker, making such symptoms prone to recurrence. It is recommended that you take your baby to the hospital for a comprehensive examination and treatment, while also ensuring warmth and enhancing nutrition to boost your baby’s resistance. If not treated thoroughly, these symptoms may leave sequelae, affecting your baby’s future health, even potentially developing into diseases like rhinitis or pneumonia.