
My child started coughing three days ago, and began to have a fever last night. We saw a doctor today, who diagnosed it as mycoplasma pneumonia. The doctor prescribed azithromycin, and we have taken the medication, but the child still has a low fever today, reaching 39.3 degrees. After taking ibuprofen, the fever subsided with sweating, but it rose again shortly afterwards. We have taken ibuprofen three times today. I want to ask how to deal with this repeated fever, and how many days of azithromycin are needed before it takes effect.


Mycoplasma infection is a type of bacterial infection that usually comes with fever symptoms. In this case, azithromycin is the appropriate medication for symptomatic treatment, with an expected course of 5 to 7 days. During the treatment, body temperature may fluctuate for 3 to 5 days, which is a normal phenomenon. For repeated fevers, ibuprofen can be taken appropriately within 24 hours, but not more than four times. Additionally, you can use warm water sponge baths or a fever-reducing suppository in conjunction with symptomatic treatment to alleviate symptoms.