
Dear Parent, my son is 4 years old, and over the past year, I’ve noticed that he seems to be getting fatter. He can eat several bowls of rice at one meal and prefers to lie down after eating. How should we treat a child’s obesity and overweight?


If you discover that your child has pediatric obesity, you should first provide them with reasonable exercise and a healthy diet. For instance, swimming and climbing slopes are effective exercises for obesity. During this time, encourage your child to eat more foods like cucumbers, tomatoes, and kiwis. Your child should avoid high-calorie foods such as cakes and macadamia nuts. Additionally, if your child has a habit of lying down after eating, parents should help correct this behavior. If the condition is severe during the treatment of pediatric obesity, it is recommended that parents take their child to the hospital to check the cause of the obesity and then treat it accordingly.