
At 5 months old, a neurological behavior assessment revealed that the child’s mental and motor development was delayed; the child did not reach out to grab objects but would smile. At 8 months and 1 day, the child would only turn around when called by name. The child was slightly soft and flabby, and since birth until 8 months old, the baby was fed formula milk but had irregular bowel movements. Now, drinking the Four Gentlemen Decoction daily has slightly improved the situation. The child did not learn to wave goodbye or welcome until 11 months old, and at 1 year old, the child does not follow instructions very well.


Treatment involves increasing joint mobility, adjusting muscle tone, enhancing motor control, coordination, strength, and endurance to improve motor function and enhance self-care abilities. Additionally, medication can be used, with common drugs including brain nerve nutrition drugs and muscle relaxants. Medication should only be used when necessary, as we know that pediatric neurological diseases can cause significant harm to children. If not treated promptly or if the treatment method is incorrect, its progression can be rapid, posing great harm to young children. Therefore, it is crucial to seek timely and regular treatment at a professional hospital.