
A 6-month-old baby cannot lift its head, but can roll over and has normal appetite. There are no significant abnormalities, but the baby sometimes trembles. How should the child’s attention be cultivated?


Differences in attention span are objective and can also be improved through practical training in daily life. How can one enhance their “attention span”?

  1. Set clear goals and tasks. When one has a clear understanding of the purpose and tasks at hand, it increases self-awareness, enhances responsibility, and focuses attention. Even if attention wanders, one should promptly raise self-awareness and bring scattered attention back.
  2. Overcome internal and external distractions. To overcome internal distractions, one must avoid mental fatigue, ensure adequate sleep, and actively participate in physical activities to adjust to the best state; to overcome external distractions, one should try to avoid stimuli that affect attention (such as putting away unrelated newspapers or magazines during class, or turning off radios or televisions while doing homework at home), and appropriately exercise self-discipline to cultivate a mindset of finding calm amidst chaos, allowing attention to be highly focused and stable.
  3. Develop attention habits. During the learning process, one should learn to “ask oneself.” To seek answers, engage in active thinking, maintain high attention, and when distracted, use self-suggestion to maintain stable attention. As the learning session comes to an end, it is crucial to keep attention tense; one must not falter at the end. As the saying goes, “Habits become natural,” so starting with cultivating good attention habits is a shortcut to improving overall attention span.