
My child has been crying and not eating much recently. What medicine should I give my child for diarrhea?


Firstly, it is recommended that you take your child for a stool test to determine if the diarrhea is caused by indigestion, enteritis, or intestinal dysfunction due to a cold. If diagnosed with indigestion, you can give your child oral Smecta and Mamy Love, and apply Dinggui’er umbilical cord plasters on the navel for treatment. At the same time, stop or reduce the introduction of new complementary foods and indigestible foods, and gradually resume them as symptoms improve. If the diarrhea is caused by enteritis, it is recommended to choose ampicillin and other drugs for anti-inflammatory treatment and pay attention to prevent dehydration. If the child has a fever, you can choose ibuprofen suspension to reduce the fever. I hope these suggestions will be helpful to you, and wish your child a speedy recovery.