
The child is almost 4 years old and has occasionally experienced night terror symptoms in the past few months. The child usually sleeps around 9 PM, but around 11 PM, they suddenly sit up, stare blankly, speak incoherently, tightly clench their hands, sweat all over their body, and convulse for about 3 minutes before falling back into a deep sleep until the next morning when everything is normal. Lately, these episodes have occurred almost every night, and there is concern about early epilepsy symptoms.


Hello, the child’s condition may be caused by epilepsy, which is still curable. Medication treatment can generally be adopted, with commonly used drugs including phenytoin sodium, carbamazepine, and clonazepam. You can also choose to treat with traditional Chinese medicine Tian She Dan. If the medication treatment is not effective, surgery may be required. Wishing for a speedy recovery!