
A four-month-old baby has insufficient leg support, cannot roll over, but can laugh out loud, make sounds, follow objects and sounds, and can communicate with adults. Is this normal?


Generally speaking, babies between 3 and 4 months old will actively roll over, those at 5 months old can use their upper limbs to support their bodies while crawling, those at 6 months old can arch their backs to sit up independently, those at 7 months old can sit steadily, those at 8 months old can crawl on their stomachs, and those between 7 and 9 months old can stand with support. By 12 months old, a baby should be able to walk independently without support. If a child’s motor development is significantly behind that of normal children, it should raise concern. Typically, it is crucial to detect pediatric cerebral palsy within the first six months. If you feel that your child is not normal, do not jump to conclusions too early. Pay attention to observation in daily life and seek medical consultation in a timely manner; do not delay the treatment of the condition.