
Why do some 8-month-old babies grow their upper canines first instead of the upper incisors? Is this normal? Should I be concerned?


In most cases, the order of milk tooth eruption in babies is the lower incisors first, followed by the upper incisors, then the lateral incisors, canines, first milk molars, and second milk molars. However, each baby’s order of milk tooth eruption may vary slightly due to individual differences and genetic factors. If your baby grows their upper canines first, this may be a normal occurrence, and you should not be overly concerned. Typically, dentists recommend that you observe your baby’s milk tooth eruption and ensure good oral hygiene. Moreover, you should not prematurely worry about whether these teeth need to be extracted, as they may naturally fall out during the process of milk teeth replacement. It is important to maintain good oral hygiene habits and regularly take your baby to the dentist to ensure oral health.