
My child is an 8-year-old boy, and over the past few weeks, I’ve noticed that he has gained a lot of weight. He eats more than most children and likes to lie down after meals. What should I do if my child is overweight?


If a child is suffering from obesity, parents need to change their current situation through exercise and diet. For example, swimming and climbing hills can have a good effect on obesity symptoms. Encourage your child to eat more vegetables like tomatoes and cucumbers, and prohibit the consumption of high-calorie, high-fat foods such as cakes, dried fruits, and cookies. Moreover, it’s important to break the habit of your child not liking to exercise, as this can easily lead to fat accumulation. During the treatment of child obesity, if the above methods do not alleviate the symptoms of obesity, seek medical advice promptly to identify the cause and avoid the deterioration of the condition.