
My baby keeps turning over and feeling restless at night during sleep. What methods can help improve this situation?


Based on the information you provided, your baby’s restless sleep at night may be due to the development of their ability to roll over. Generally, babies start to learn how to roll over around four months old, which is a normal physiological development process. However, this new skill may make them more active when they sleep at night. To help your baby sleep more soundly at night, you can try the following methods:

  1. Ensure your baby’s sleeping environment is comfortable, with a moderate temperature and a soft, safe bed.
  2. Establish a consistent sleep schedule to help your baby develop good sleeping habits.
  3. Avoid overexcitement for your baby before bedtime and create a quiet sleeping atmosphere.
  4. Consider using a sleeping bag to prevent your baby from feeling uncomfortable if the blanket slips off.
  5. If your baby wakes up at night, try not to pick them up or soothe them immediately; let them try to fall asleep on their own.
  6. Pay attention to whether your baby sweats excessively or has thinning hair during sleep, as these may be signs of other health issues that require further examination. If you have tried the above methods but your baby’s sleep problems have not improved, or are accompanied by other unusual symptoms, it is recommended that you consult a pediatrician as soon as possible to rule out any potential health issues.