
My baby is almost two months old. Initially, due to insufficient breast milk, when fed formula milk, he had a bowel movement once or twice a day. After going home, I started mixed feeding, and the baby’s bowel movements increased to about seven or eight times a day, sometimes loose and sometimes thick. Is this normal?


Breastfed babies usually have yellow, soft stools and have about 2 to 4 bowel movements a day. Formula-fed babies tend to have harder stools, pale yellow in color, and sometimes have an unpleasant odor, with about 1 to 2 bowel movements a day. Changes in the frequency and texture of a baby’s bowel movements may be due to changes in feeding methods. However, if the baby is otherwise healthy, active, and feeding normally without diarrhea or other discomforts, such changes usually do not require concern. Nevertheless, if you are worried about the baby’s health condition, it is advisable to consult with a doctor for professional advice.