
My daughter is 7 years old, and in the past few weeks, I’ve noticed that she has gained a lot of weight and has a very large appetite. She also doesn’t like to exercise. How should I treat a child who is overweight and lacks exercise?


To help a child change the symptoms of obesity, it’s important to provide a reasonable exercise and diet plan. Start by teaching the child to swim, as the water resistance during swimming is much greater than that of air resistance during land-based exercises, leading to faster fat consumption. Encourage the child to eat more fruits like apples, kiwis, and carrots, and prohibit high-calorie and high-fat foods such as cakes, dried fruits, and cookies. Strictly control the child’s diet to avoid overeating and encourage more physical activity. Exercising regularly is beneficial for changing a child’s obesity. Remind parents that if they notice their child’s condition worsening during treatment, they should take their child to the hospital for a thorough medical examination and targeted treatment.