
Problem of Incontinence in Children Parents describe that their eight-year-old child has had the problem of not being able to hold urine since they were young, often dribbling urine without realizing it, leaving wet spots on their shorts. There is no nocturnal enuresis. The parents ask whether they should take their child to the doctor and whether this condition will improve as the child grows older.


Suggestions for Improving Urinary Incontinence Doctors suggest that parents can take the following measures: 1. Train the child to urinate at regular intervals, and do not scold them even if their pants get wet, to reduce the child’s psychological stress. 2. Choose appropriate underwear without seams to reduce discomfort. 3. Keep the child’s external genitalia clean, wiping after using the toilet from front to back to prevent infection. 4. Reduce fluid intake after 4 pm and have a light dinner to reduce nighttime urination. 5. Adjust the child’s dietary habits, as overeating may lead to increased urination. 6. Pay attention to whether it is related to mental factors, such as being more prone to urination in unfamiliar environments. 7. Consider giving the child six flavors of Rehmannia pills, two times a day, three pills each time, for a continuous period of 10 days to observe the effect. The above suggestions are for reference only; if necessary, seek medical attention promptly.