
A newborn with hemolytic disease (at birth age of 77 days) spontaneously developed symptoms. After receiving a blood transfusion, the symptoms improved, but the cause remains unknown.


If the jaundice is confirmed to be due to hemolysis, treatment can include phototherapy, a simple and effective method to reduce serum unconjugated bilirubin; also, the use of albumin, drugs to correct metabolic acidosis, and enzyme inducers can increase binding with unconjugated bilirubin, reducing the occurrence of bilirubin encephalopathy; immunoglobulin injections can suppress phagocytes from destroying sensitized red blood cells; blood transfusion therapy can remove some free antibodies and sensitized red blood cells from the blood, at the same time reducing the amount of bilirubin to prevent bilirubin encephalopathy; and correcting anemia to improve oxygenation and prevent heart failure.