
Dear Parent, my daughter is currently 9 years old, and recently, I’ve noticed that she seems to be getting fatter. She also eats without control and doesn’t like to exercise. How should I treat child obesity for optimal results?


For children with obvious symptoms of obesity, parents should encourage them to engage in more physical activities, avoid picky eating, and motivate them to participate in age-appropriate exercises such as swimming and jogging. At the same time, it is recommended that children consume more foods like cucumbers, tomatoes, and kiwis, while avoiding high-calorie foods such as cookies, macadamia nuts, and small cakes. Additionally, in daily life, it is important not to let children eat in bed or lie down immediately after eating, as these bad habits may lead to fat accumulation. In the process of treating child obesity, if the condition is severe, it is suggested that parents take their child to the hospital to check the cause of obesity and receive targeted treatment.