
My baby is three and a half months old. Since two days ago, they have been reluctant to drink milk. They used to drink about 900 milliliters a day, but now it’s only around 500 to 600 milliliters. However, they still seem fine. I’m wondering if they are sick? Additionally, they might have calcium deficiency, could this be the reason for them not drinking milk? What should I do?


Hello, based on the information you’ve provided, your child’s current situation may be entering the weaning period. At this stage, children might become tired of the taste of a single formula and consequently reduce their milk intake. Moreover, as they start to adapt to solid foods, their milk consumption may naturally decrease. Regarding the calcium deficiency issue, it is suggested to supplement with vitamin D under a doctor’s supervision. Typically, this involves taking 5,000 to 10,000 units orally daily. In severe cases of rickets or diarrhea, vitamin D injections may be necessary along with calcium tablets taken at a dose of 0.5 grams, one to three times a day. This approach ensures that your child’s calcium needs are met while maintaining safety.