
My daughter is 6 years old. Recently, I’ve noticed that she weighs significantly more than other children her age. She also seems to eat without control and doesn’t like to exercise. How should we treat a lazy child with obesity?


When a child becomes overweight, parents should create a set of exercise plans and healthy eating habits for them. They can start by teaching their child to swim, as the resistance of water is much greater than that of air during land-based exercises, leading to faster fat consumption. Additionally, encourage the child to eat more high-fiber foods like spinach and carrots. It is essential to prohibit the consumption of high-calorie foods such as cakes and chestnuts. Also, avoid letting the child fall asleep immediately after eating or lying on the sofa while snacking. In case of severe obesity symptoms during the treatment, it is crucial to seek timely medical treatment and not blindly believe in certain medications.