
How should one deal with excessive eye discharge in newborns?


  1. Lacrimal duct irrigation (performed by a doctor or nurse).
  2. Lacrimal duct probing.
  3. After being instructed by the doctor, family members can at home press on the lacrimal sac to allow the pus in the lacrimal sac to flow towards the nasolacrimal duct. This is because the force of pus movement can dislodge the membrane in the nasolacrimal duct cavity, thereby curing the disease.
  4. The cause of this disease is the incomplete disappearance of the lacrimal duct membrane at birth. The first two methods are also used to flush open or probe open the membrane.
  5. Regularly applying various symptomatic anti-inflammatory eye drops can also help prevent the exacerbation of dacryocystitis.