
A 12-year-old boy, in elementary school, has felt that his child is much heavier than other children for the past few weeks. Moreover, he has been eating more and more, preferring to lie down after meals. How should one treat child obesity effectively when the child doesn’t like to exercise?


When a child becomes overweight, parents should establish a set of exercise plans and a healthy diet for their child. They can encourage activities that are beneficial for combating obesity, such as jogging or swimming. Vegetables like carrots and spinach can also help. Foods high in calories, like peanuts and hamburgers, should be avoided. Strictly controlling the child’s diet and preventing overeating is important. Exercising more is beneficial for changing a child’s obesity. If the above methods do not alleviate your child’s obesity symptoms during treatment, it is important to go to the hospital promptly to find out the cause and avoid worsening the condition.