
Why do I grind my teeth at night? What should I do?


Hello: The causes of bruxism include: Firstly, there may be internal parasites in the body. These parasites secrete some harmful substances that affect the autonomic nervous system. During the day, our consciousness is stronger, and we can control our behavior. However, when we sleep, we may grind our teeth involuntarily. After deworming, this situation will no longer occur. The second reason is stress and excessive liver fire, leading to what is known in traditional Chinese medicine as “internal movement of liver wind.” The main cause of excessive liver fire is our improper diet, consuming too much fried, spicy, and refined food, which accumulates heat and toxicity in the body. Bruxism is a symptom indicating an imbalance in the body. If left unchecked, it can lead to restless sleep, where one is asleep but awake, or even insomnia. The treatment method is to clear heat and reduce fire.