A 7-year-old boy, in elementary school, has recently become increasingly overweight. Additionally, he seems particularly undisciplined with his eating habits, as he doesn’t like to play and eat at the same time. How should one treat a child who is overweight and not fond of exercise?
If a child is diagnosed with pediatric obesity, it is important to first arrange their exercise and diet properly. Increase the intensity of their physical activities, such as jogging, gradually. Also, provide them with fruits rich in vitamin C, like apples and kiwis; avoid giving them high-calorie snacks such as macadamia nuts and cookies. In daily life, it should also be avoided that the child eats snacks in bed or lies down immediately after eating, as these bad habits can easily lead to fat accumulation. It is recommended that if parents find the situation severe during treatment, they should take their child to the hospital for an immediate check-up to clarify the condition and then proceed with targeted treatment.