
My son has red and swollen cheeks, ear pain, and occasionally small lumps. When the pain is severe, he complains of ear pain. Tonight, he suddenly reported earache inside his left ear, which alternates between his left and right ears, accompanied by mild nasal congestion. Although his spirits are good, his stool is dry. The onset time and cause of the illness are unknown. My son often has internal heat issues and occasionally takes related medications.


Based on the description, your son may have pharyngitis. Symptoms of pharyngitis include throat pain, a feeling of something stuck in the throat, coughing, and hoarseness. Treatment for pharyngitis includes traditional Chinese medicine, Western medicine, acupuncture, and topical treatments such as ice-plaster or silver-paste to alleviate symptoms. For cases with severe chills and mild fever, ma Huang decoction may be considered; for cases with high fever and mild chills, yin Qiao san can be used. Acupuncture at Hiccup (Hiccup) and Yongquan (Yongquan) can also help alleviate pain. For internal heat issues, medications such as Niuhuang Qingzao Wan can be used for treatment.