
A parent of a five-and-a-half-month-old baby inquired, as the breast milk was insufficient, they switched to formula milk and occasionally added breast milk. However, the baby experienced irregular bowel movements, with stools occurring 5-6 times a day and being hard, making the baby very strained during bowel movements. They asked how to properly feed the baby to ensure regular bowel movements and good nutrition.


It is suggested to add sugar appropriately to the formula milk, provide the child with honey water, and be mindful of introducing fresh fruit juices, vegetable waters, and apple purees as complementary foods rich in vitamins. If the baby has difficulty defecating, one can try using soap bars, glycerin suppositories, or rectal lubricants, but avoid giving children laxatives arbitrarily. Additionally, encourage the child to do exercises to strengthen abdominal muscles, which can help with bowel movements.