
How to treat a child’s mispronunciation?


Firstly, it is crucial to make the child aware of where they are going wrong! Currently, the child is unaware that they are making mistakes. This is because everything about their speech—from the pronunciation method to the sound—is perceived by them as correct. Therefore, use a recording device to show the child that their voice is different from others. Then explain to the child that the reason their voice sounds different is due to the different pronunciation methods. Tell the child: to speak like everyone else, they must adopt the same pronunciation method. Tell them: it’s not the sound that’s wrong; it’s the pronunciation method they are using that doesn’t match the intended sound. So, that’s why it sounds different. Tell them: there is only one pronunciation method for a single sound. The pronunciation method you use determines the sound you produce. If someone else uses your pronunciation method, they will also produce that sound. Then, work with the child to study the differences in pronunciation methods and help correct any linguistic errors!