
Why does my baby have a persistent low-grade fever? Case description: The baby has been running a low fever of about 37.5 to 37.9 degrees Celsius for a week. Hospital consultation: Yangxian County Hospital, Liaocheng Special Hospital; previous treatment and effects: still has a low fever, seeking help: want to know the cause, the main symptoms of viral influenza in children include, fever may or may not be present, body temperature can be high or low, runny clear nasal mucus, sneezing, coughing, good spirit, decreased appetite, sometimes accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, and a few children may experience high fever seizures. The main symptoms of bacterial influenza in children are fever, especially persistent high fever that does not subside, purulent nasal discharge, sore throat, lack of energy, poor appetite, and some children may experience high fever seizures.


The main symptoms of viral influenza in children include fever that may or may not be present, body temperature can be high or low, runny clear nasal mucus, sneezing, coughing, good spirit, decreased appetite, and sometimes accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. In rare cases, children may experience high fever seizures. The main symptoms of bacterial influenza in children are fever, especially persistent high fever that does not subside, purulent nasal discharge, sore throat, lack of energy, poor appetite, and some children may experience high fever seizures. Guidance: For viral influenza in children, use paracetamol tablets; for bacterial influenza, antibiotic treatment is required. Do not rush to reduce the fever. Not rushing to reduce the child’s fever has several reasons: a body temperature of 37.5~38℃ is considered low fever, 38~39℃ is medium fever, and above 39℃ is high fever. Low or medium fever is beneficial for a child’s growth and development. Fever is a body’s response to viral or bacterial invasion. This response is beneficial for…