
My child is 2.5 years old and has had a fever for three nights, with temperatures consistently at 38.5 degrees. There are no other symptoms, just the fever. The doctor has conducted tests, all of which are normal values, and prescribed Chai Gui and Ning Qing. The medication has not seen much effect, so I gave him some children’s Tylenol, and the fever went down, but it came back at night and hasn’t gone away. I want to know if I should consider intravenous fluids. I really don’t want to give my child IV fluids; is it good for the child to keep running a fever like this, and when might it get better?


When dealing with a child who has a persistent low-grade fever, parents should pay attention to the child’s mental state and complexion. If the child is still in good spirits despite the high fever, can laugh and play after taking medication to reduce the fever, and behaves similarly to usual, it indicates that the condition is not severe. However, if the child appears listless, tired, expressionless, or has a dull, yellow, blue, or purple complexion, dazed eyes, it suggests a serious condition and immediate medical attention should be sought. In terms of home care, observe the child’s eating, urination, and defecation patterns, maintain an appropriate indoor temperature and humidity, provide plenty of water for the child to drink, and ensure adequate hydration and electrolytes. If the fever persists for more than three days or if the body temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees Celsius and the effect of antipyretic medication is poor, it is necessary to seek medical consultation promptly and listen to the doctor’s professional advice.