
How to alleviate a baby’s bad breath problem?


A baby’s bad breath issues may be caused by neglecting oral hygiene and dietary habits. Many parents believe that children are still young and the habit of brushing teeth in the morning and evening can be developed later, but doing so may lead to oral hygiene issues. The proliferation of bacteria in the mouth and the decay of food residue can produce unpleasant gases, leading to halitosis. Therefore, it is recommended to cultivate the habit of brushing and rinsing the mouth in the morning and evening from a young age. In addition, a child’s dietary habits can also affect their breath. If a child eats too much greasy or spicy food, or has a sweet tooth, this may also lead to halitosis. It is recommended to limit the intake of spicy foods and sugary treats for children, encouraging them to eat more vegetables and fruits. This not only helps prevent halitosis but also provides vitamins, promoting the child’s health.