
My baby’s stool has been green for a week now, starting as frothy loose stools and now turning into green loose stools. We have tried medications like Mamyai and Simida, and applied Dinggui’er Enteritis Plasters, but the effect is not significant. How can we cure it and understand the cause?


If the baby’s milk intake is normal, she is in good spirits, sleeps well, and her weight is increasing normally, then green stool may be due to breastfeeding, which usually requires no special treatment. If the baby is on mixed feeding, ensure she is well-fed to avoid rapid intestinal movement. Catching a cold can also lead to faster intestinal movement and green stool. In this case, pay attention to keeping the baby’s abdomen warm, and it usually returns to normal within a few days. If accompanied by cold symptoms, treat the cold at the same time. If green stool is accompanied by diarrhea, it is necessary to go to the hospital for a stool check-up and symptomatic treatment.